So, back to Fred Waring from Firestone.
Side 1 is the "fun" side and has great versions of Jingle Bells and Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. The last song is 'Twas the Night Before Christmas (in fact, it's the name of the album), but it has a little add-on that always made me a little melancholy when I would hear it because it kind of sums up the end of Christmas. When you're a kid, you aren't about the anticipation of Christmas (not like now, when I'm old. Er.). You just want Christmas to GET HERE NOW.
So the add-on to 'Twas the Night Before Christmas on the Fred Waring album goes like this:
'Twas the night after Christmas and all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.
The presents are scattered and broken I fear, and St. Nicholas won't come again for a year.
The children are nestled all snug in their wee little beds, while memories of sugar plums dance in their wee little heads.
Mama in her kerchief, papa in his cap, are settled at last, for a long winter's nap.
We actually had a great day after Christmas. We had discussed going skiing, but when this morning rolled around, I felt very unmotivated. It wouldn't have been hard at all to convince me to stay home.
Fortunately, Eamonn was more motivated and we had a great day out in the fresh air--which we badly needed!
Finn had his first day with poles (you don't typically ski with poles until you reach a certain level) so he was pretty excited. Or so it seemed when I was following him down the mountain with his WOOOO HOOOOs flying over his shoulder.
I could be mistaken.
Now I'm bingeing on leftovers and watching White Christmas.