
Tuesday, March 4, 2008

A Bunch of Random Thoughts and Information All Rolled into One Post

1. OK, we have to start with this:

The little monkey looks pretty cute--and I only mean looks. Tonight his behavior was such that he was in his pajamas and ready for bed at 6:45pm. That should tell you something.

Anyone care to place bets on how long it is before he breaks these?

2. Thank you so much to everyone who has donated to St. Baldricks. All I have to say about that is we have the best friends and family. And strangers. Linda Wallace, I don't know if we've ever met, but thanks!

3. I should have better things to do, but I can't go any further without commenting on . . .J. Lo and Marc Anthony's choices of names for their babies: Emme and Max. What? Are they total fans of Dragon Tales? Maybe that show will be out of vogue by the time the kids are old enough to realize they're named after cartoon characters.

4. I don't think I ever said Happy Birthday to Eamonn on here. It was Feb. 17th. I grilled him steak for dinner.

But first he had to dig out the grill.

And then he had to suffer through a store-bought pie the boys chose for him instead of a delicious homemade carrot cake like he usually gets. Maybe next year.

5. Declan's school was able to take part in a theater program. They did two class plays:

The Cricket

He played a man who tries to trick the cricket.

And The Little Ant

He was a narrator.

Then he decided to be in the school play. Because, you know, we don't have enough after school activities going on or anything.

The play: Holiday in the Rain Forest

His role: Stone person 10. Seriously. He had two lines. He practiced every day after school for two weeks.

That's Declan on the far right. I like how Stone Person #9 looks like a werewolf.

Garvin and Tara graciously attended the debut:

6. I thought spring was here, but apparently I was wrong when 6 new inches of snow fell on Saturday night/Sunday morning.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

7. I have flossed my teeth 64 out of 64 days in 2008. I'm shooting for 365. I'm using up a lot of floss. I tried to take a picture of my own teeth to show you my pearly whites. But when I looked at the pictures, I realized that there are some yellow spots on my teeth you might not care to see. So I scheduled a dentist appointment instead. And after watching me try 153 times to take pictures of my teeth, Finn wanted me to take a picture of his mouth.

So here it is.

I always thought he had the cutest little mouth when he was a baby, sort of shaped like a bow.

Anyway, it's hard to take a picture of your own teeth.

8. Sometimes when I work, I watch TV. Tonight, I turned the TV on and was mindlessly watching for awhile when I realized I was watching Thomas the Tank Engine. Alone.


Leeann said...

Aw, honey...watching Thomas the Tank Engine alone? If I lived nearby I would whisk you away. lol

Finn with glasses= very cute!! Love the look! How does he feel about them?

Rock on, Declan, with the acting! My daughter is a big drama person and Chris is in a production of SchoolHouse Rock right now. He's a bill (I'm just a bill, yes I'm only a bill, and I'm sitting here on Capitol Hill...)

Happy 29th Birthday, Eamonn!

Are you happy with your move, now that it has been a while, Natalie?


Messy and Wonderful said...

Natalie, I agree, the snow is getting old. By the way, Linda Wallace is my mom... she found your site through my blog. She says, "you're welcome!"

Anonymous said...

Natalie, Finn's glasses are adorable! BTW, whatever happened to the raw food thing? Wondering how that turned out, I just saw something on TV about raw food diets. Looks pretty miserable, was it?

Good-Dees said...

Love the glasses, but good luck keeping them looking like they do in the picture with that little wildman.
My man, Goods, his birthday is on 2/13 and I always make him a carrot cake! In a heart shaped pan of course!
From the above comment - I love eating raw - how about a little raw food challange?? But vodka isn't raw- shoot.

1dreamr said...

1) LOVE those glasses. He looks adorable!

2) Dig the grill out for your own b'day dinner, huh??! Happy B-day Eamonn!

3) Declan is getting to be quite the Thespian!!

4) Congrats on the AWESOME St. Baldrick's results!!

5) We're under a BLIZZARD warning here in Columbus... 10-15 INCHES! This can't be right!

jodydem said...

He looks adorable in his new specs!

Hey, the place I get my glases has guarantees on kid's. Everytime I've been there some mother is getting a replacement!
